About Emerson Elementary School
Our Mission
Emerson Elementary is a welcoming community with high expectations and respect for all. We are committed to learning and achieving in a culturally relevant manner.
Emerson School Song
(To the tune of “You’re a Grand Old Flag)
We’re a grand old school
We’re a high-ranking school
We’re the best in Seattle. We all say EMERSON
Here the kids are smart and the teachers do their part,
We’re loyal to you every day!
Every heart beats true to our own white and blue,
We’re the best school in every way.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
Emerson is here to stay (repeat 3X)
Emerson School Chant
Eagles fly higher everyday
We Soar, in every way
S AFE, cause we know all the rules
O N TASK, cause it’s time for school
A ct as a TEAM, you know what I mean
R ESILIENT, Cause I am strong, I do my best
Eagles flying higher than all the rest
Emerson UNITED everyday
We Soar, in every way
Emerson School Creed of Excellence
I am proud to be an EMERSON EAGLE!
I receive my homework and turn it in neat, complete and on time.
I speak clearly and in complete sentences.
I turn in quality work on which I proudly put my name.
I treat myself and others with kindness, respect and consideration.
I actively listen and politely ask questions if I don’t understand
and follow directions the first time.
I problem solve responsibly throughout the day.
I set goals for myself and work toward achieving them.
There are some things no one can take from me, my love to learn, my
self-discipline, my pride and my awesome dignity.
I do my best to excel in every way.
For I am a WINNER OF EXCELLENCE each and every day!
Contact Us
9709 60th Ave. South
Seattle, WA 98118
Main Office: 206-252-7100
Attendance: 206-252-7100
Fax: 206-252-7101
Principal: Keyunda Wilson krwilson@seattleschools.org
Assistant Principal: Jiawen Kiki Zha jizha@seattleschools.org
Office Asst: Shalaine Parramore smparramore@seattleschools.org
For reporting a student absence:
Call 206-252-7100 (leave a voicemail if after hours), Email: emerson.attendance@seattleschools.org
For contacting a teacher:
- To obtain contact information for staff, call the main office for the extension and/or email address.
- Dial 206-252-7100, followed by the extension.
- If the teacher is not available, leave a message on their voice mail or with office staff.