Emerson Elementary



Welcome to the Emerson Library

The Mission of the Emerson Library is to foster a love of reading, to empower scholars to be effective users and producers of digital and print information, and to provide a welcoming, exciting and useful space for learning. Come visit us on Emerson’s third floor!

Global Reading Challenge

Big thanks to all the 4th and 5th graders who participated in the Global Reading Challenge this year, and to the teachers, who supported their students and the program by integrating the GRC books into their curriculum! Every student read at least 1 book, most read 3-5 books, and several students read all ten challenge books! Way to SOAR, Eagles!

Congratulations to Mr. Massimino’s Genius Juniors, who won our school championship and went on to represent Emerson in a semi-final match at Seattle Central Library! They put in many hours of preparation and showed great teamwork. They came in a close second place, only one question away from the win. These 4th graders will be back for the championship next year!